Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Zodiac Killer

                Only confirmed to be active during the late 1960’s, the Zodiac Killer’s identity remains unknown and is suspected to have aditional victims dating before and after the late 60’s that have not been confirmed. “The first known murder by the Zodiac Killer happened on December 20 1968, a man approached a couple sitting in their car in Vallejo, California , and shot them dead” (allserialkillers). At a later date “letters were sent to newspapers in San Francisco supposedly claiming to be from the killer, and were signed ‘Zodiac’ which was adopted by the media to name the mysterious killer. In some of the letters there was lines in code which was decoded by a cipher expert, this read some thing such as – ‘hunting humans was the most exciting of all sports’” (allserialkillers).

                Confirmed victims:
                                -David Faraday (17), Betty Jensen (16) – shot and killed, Dec 20, 1968
                                -Bichael Mageau (19), Darlene Ferrin (22) – shot, Mageau lived, July 4, 1969
                                -Bryan Hartnell (20), Cecelia Shepard (22) – stabbed, Hartnell lived, Sept 27, 1969
                                -Paul Stine (29) – shot and killed, Oct 11, 1969
                Suspected victims:
                                -Robert Domingos (18), Linda Edwards (17) – Shot and killed, June 4, 1963
                                -Cheri Bates (18) – Stabbed and killed, Oct 30, 1966

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